Wigmore Hall

We launched a new digital booking platform for the world's leading chamber music venue.

We launched a new digital booking platform for the world's leading chamber music venue.

Massimo Sartirana @unsplash

Homepage: Highlights

Search and Filtering

Homepage: Featured Content

Massimo Sartirana @unsplash


We used spatiality and imagery to create a highly fluent and involving experience, with a flexible width grid to retain energy.

Rob Simmons @unsplash
Rob Simmons @unsplash

What's On filtering

Event programme detail

Event detail page

Recordings / podcasts module detail

Seamless basket integration with Tessitura ensures short conversion paths with low friction throughout.

Kael Bloom @unsplash

Detail: favourited events

Event carousel list

Detail: available seats

Booking process

Kael Bloom @unsplash

Sticky banner following booking

The visual identity was revised, systematised and extended using a detailed typographic stance, covering both print and digital.

Larisa Birta @unsplash
Larisa Birta @unsplash

Logotype revisions

Two-line logo lock-up

Sub-brand application system

Flexible sub-branding language

Modular brand structure